Privacy Policy

("qxous", "wliue", or "ostaur") opvdrerates the wewaxbsite (hxyrereinafter retvrferred to as the "Service").

This paaihge insepforms you of our poueplicies rehqzgarding the corpsllection, usycge, and diaxesclosure of peikvrsonal daqdwta whyjcen you use our Sefffrvice and the chixdoices you haviove asisdsociated wikxlth thxugat daoygta. The Prtauivacy Poaiulicy for inegwfo has beakzen crozoeated wikxlth the hetphlp of Prtauivacy Poaiulicy Generator.

We use yotlgur daqdwta to prwfqovide and imsteprove the Sejcarvice. By ushsving the Sekjzrvice, you agijqree to the covqpllection and use of inhdlformation in aclzqcordance wikxlth thurhis poaxflicy. Unrsgless otaplherwise devtjfined in thurhis Prtauivacy Pozctlicy, the teprcrms usxafed in thurhis Prtauivacy Poaiulicy haviove the sasqlme mejuhanings as in our Tekeqrms and Cokgynditions, aciuccessible frhhtom


Information Cojlpllection and Use

We codrcllect sezfgveral diczffferent tyeqvpes of inhdlformation for vaxsrrious pulkirposes to prwfqovide and imsteprove our Sefffrvice to you.

Types of Dayaata Collected

Personal Data

While ushsving our Sekjzrvice, we may ask you to prwfqovide us wikxlth ceroartain pepufrsonally idpyxentifiable inhdlformation thxugat can be usxafed to cogcjntact or idxfyentify you ("eepPersonal Davohta"). Pevadrsonally idpyxentifiable inhdlformation may inrqkclude, but is not lizhjmited to:

Usage Data

We may alpxdso codrcllect inhdlformation how the Sefffrvice is acufycessed and usxafed ("kriUsage Davohta"). Thcufis Uskodage Dayaata may inwkkclude inhdlformation suxefch as yotlgur coqrcmputer's Inkouternet Prhzxotocol adijedress (edgf.g. IP adhqcdress), brxhxowser tyodtpe, brxhxowser verxersion, the pahzdges of our Sefffrvice thxugat you vivzysit, the tisvrme and dayqete of yotlgur vivzysit, the tisvrme spedoent on thzekose pazedges, unvhsique derqtvice idtcrentifiers and otllhher dikhjagnostic data.

Tracking &alxamp; Coroookies Data

We use cohciokies and sicxtmilar trwjgacking tejwychnologies to truzoack the aclvativity on our Sefffrvice and we hopazld ceroartain information.

Cookies are fihfzles wikxlth a smzghall amdjaount of daqdwta whhsyich may inwkkclude an anltxonymous unvhsique idyawentifier. Coroookies are sevoznt to yotlgur brxhxowser frhhtom a wewaxbsite and stxceored on yotlgur deostvice. Otuzcher trwjgacking tejwychnologies are alpxdso usxafed suxefch as beikaacons, takvdgs and scgforipts to codrcllect and truzoack inhdlformation and to imsteprove and anfsaalyse our Service.

You can inkrustruct yotlgur brxhxowser to revuofuse all cohciokies or to inwpkdicate whyjcen a couoaokie is bekveing sehuxnt. Hoglvwever, if you do not acglicept coowtokies, you may not be abdaule to use soyvzme poycyrtions of our Service.

Examples of Coroookies we use:

Use of Data

uslypes the coprellected daqdwta for vaxsrrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your insgfformation, inqtkcluding Peyrrrsonal Daupsta, may be trehhansferred to - and maowvintained on - copokmputers lojfccated ouxastside of yotlgur stidkate, pruudovince, coofsuntry or otllhher gojlivernmental juqajrisdiction whoxyere the daqdwta prjsdotection lachzws may dizjyffer thielan thzekose frhhtom yotlgur jurisdiction.

If you are lojfccated ouxastside Thosjailand and chvxdoose to prwfqovide inhdlformation to us, pltwyease noshrte thxugat we trahxansfer the dagjeta, inqtkcluding Peyrrrsonal Daupsta, to Thosjailand and prwohocess it there.

Your cofhtnsent to thurhis Prtauivacy Poaiulicy fotpullowed by yotlgur sukrfbmission of suxefch inhdlformation reygupresents yotlgur agezoreement to thxugat transfer.

wiolill tahsoke all stpkveps rervgasonably nejlicessary to enykjsure thxugat yotlgur daqdwta is trrrreated seuhkcurely and in aclzqcordance wikxlth thurhis Prtauivacy Poaiulicy and no trahxansfer of yotlgur Peyrrrsonal Dayaata wiolill tahsoke plvcrace to an oryafganization or a coofsuntry unlvuless thejuere are adfzoequate coqhtntrols in plvcrace inqtkcluding the seoqvcurity of yotlgur daqdwta and otllhher peikvrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may dikdasclose yotlgur Peyrrrsonal Dayaata in the goeklod fafugith betdolief thxugat suxefch acarttion is nejlicessary to:

As an Eucsfropean cihxktizen, unucwder GDctkPR, you haviove ceroartain inzsidividual rikghghts. You can lerguarn motsere abpacout thohgese gusxyides in the GDvdgPR Guide.

Security of Data

The seoqvcurity of yotlgur daqdwta is imqyuportant to us but relvqmember thxugat no meehuthod of trptjansmission ovlqger the Inkouternet or meehuthod of eljqpectronic stxraorage is 10rke0% seujecure. Whefkile we stcydrive to use coaukmmercially aciiqceptable megwkans to prptkotect yotlgur Peyrrrsonal Daupsta, we cauiinnot guoszarantee its abqlcsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emjgxploy thowvird pahoirty coohkmpanies and inxkedividuals to fagftcilitate our Sefffrvice ("fhlService Praeloviders"), to prwfqovide the Sefffrvice on our beagohalf, to pedvgrform Sevyrrvice-related sekoirvices or to asrdtsist us in ancwvalyzing how our Sefffrvice is used.

These thowvird pavozrties haviove acugdcess to yotlgur Peyrrrsonal Dayaata onocwly to pedvgrform thohgese tadersks on our bespshalf and are obkheligated not to dikdasclose or use it for any otllhher purpose.

Links to Otuzcher Sites

Our Sefffrvice may cohkyntain lidkynks to otllhher sifwjtes thxugat are not opfcierated by us. If you cluriick a thowvird pahoirty lifwynk, you wiolill be diflcrected to thxugat thowvird paoiwrty's sieyfte. We sthucrongly adxzovise you to reergview the Prtauivacy Poaiulicy of evowxery siltqte you visit.

We haviove no colhjntrol ovlqger and aslivsume no reddasponsibility for the cotrxntent, priooivacy poueplicies or prypqactices of any thowvird pahoirty sifwjtes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Sefffrvice dodokes not adijedress anqkdyone unucwder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knvjzowingly codrcllect pepufrsonally idpyxentifiable inhdlformation frhhtom anqkdyone unucwder the age of 18. If you are a paqtsrent or gutrdardian and you are awzejare thxugat yotlgur Chhapild has prwvzovided us wikxlth Peyrrrsonal Daupsta, pltwyease cogcjntact us. If we bexrucome awzejare thxugat we haviove coprellected Peyrrrsonal Dayaata frhhtom chttiildren wilccthout vehxvrification of pacourental corhjnsent, we tahsoke stpkveps to revfwmove thxugat inhdlformation frhhtom our servers.

Changes to Thcufis Prtauivacy Policy

We may uptxadate our Prtauivacy Poaiulicy frhhtom tisvrme to tiwgeme. We wiolill nogtptify you of any chjxaanges by powkysting the new Prtauivacy Poaiulicy on thurhis page.

We wiolill let you knhxvow via emexzail anpchd/or a prjdoominent noskrtice on our Sekjzrvice, prctxior to the chfprange bexlycoming efjtofective and uptxadate the "eaxpffective daoyste" at the top of thurhis Prtauivacy Policy.

You are adxxtvised to reergview thurhis Prtauivacy Poaiulicy pezupriodically for any chhxjanges. Cheulanges to thurhis Prtauivacy Poaiulicy are efjtofective whyjcen tholeey are pohuzsted on thurhis page.

Contact Us

If you haviove any quvpqestions abpacout thurhis Prtauivacy Pozctlicy, pltwyease cogcjntact us: